About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in service to the Shift in Consciousness on Gaia.

As an Interdimensional Liaison since 1999, Sandra assists awakened HUmans through writings, videos and creations focused on Ascension. She inspires the exploration and evolution of HUman consciousness, bridging the multidimensional worlds to create peace, self-realization and a deep understanding of the Ascension process.

Sandra shares information as a pure conduit to empower, inspire and accelerate the Ascension of HUmanity. She is a published author, certified Life Coach, artist and Energy Healer. Sandra lives in Mount Shasta, California.

Ascension Path Core Values:
– Create unique inspirational content, classes and events to expand the mind, open the heart and authentically assist the Ascension.
– Honor and Serve Source and the journey with courage, HUmility, grace and Divine intent.
– Empower the collective to co-create the new paradigm of peace, unconditional love and unity consciousness.

Copyright Notice

All videos, audio recordings, articles, graphics, images and text materials posted on this site are the original work and copyright of Sandra Walter. Sharing, quotes or edited content are not allowed without written consent of Sandra Walter. Sharing any content of online classes is prohibited.